วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

North Korea - an unbroken

Image : http://www.flickr.com

As a strong leader is brought to power? Some say that he needs people who are determined to receive him. Certainly, the Korean people so conditioned. Centuries of harsh rulers were permitted to hold dominion over the minds of the citizens of Chosun. Take advantage of the Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang. He was the founder of the Ming Dynasty which ruled Korea 1364-1666. Requested absolute obedience. It was the law and the source of all laws. When he died, the generations after him were forced to sit Lessons as part of his philosophy with his mouth.

These lessons are in the modern North Korea, but the issue is not the emperor, Zhu.

Over a thousand years earlier, a large part of the peninsula was ruled by the king of Silla. In those days a man who inherited his position in space determines the social position. Top aristocracy should not be for the military. Went instead to the top management of the village.

Practice today> Korea.

Later came the state Koryo, as conscious of rank, the "caste" system of competition, the modern India and remains in North Korea as well. A third of the nation was in fact a class of slaves in ancient Koryo. This practice was banned only in 1894, but was soon taken by the occupation forces in Japan.

And, of course, through the work of today's mentality of stock. Most did not consider it unusual. Here's how it is "forever."

Casta further in the pastChoson Dynasty. The various groups wore tags, the marks are high or low in Korean.

The current system has changed only the name, and includes 50 or 60 rows from the background class. There are "families, who fought the Japanese", "Veterans of the Korean War," "the poor peasants," etc., etc., rank determines where you live and how much to eat and where you live or die.

There are many other interesting similarities between this and the suppressionThe removal of his predecessors. North Korea is hungry for freedom and truth. Fame.

Koreans may be free? Where we are hopeful for a glance, the belief that ever otherwise? Easy. South Korea, and the God in whom to call, like many South Korean daily. South Korea is the constant argument against feudalism, brutal monarchy, communism, Juche, and the government of the north. Koreans to be truly free, since the true God and the properLeadership.

For this we pray.

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